I have a modem that is connected to a separate router. How do I set up Plume?

Follow these instructions to set up your Plume pods with your modem that is connected to a separate router.

  • Download the Plume App and sign up to start the setup
  • Restart your modem
  • Disconnect your router from the modem if you wish to set up Plume as your new router  and connect one of your Plume WiFi pods to a LAN port on your modem via network cable that comes with your Plume starter pack
StellarWiFi connected to modem

Alternatively, you can also connect one of your Plume pods to a LAN port on your router via network cable to keep using your existing router. You can leave your devices connected to the router if you wish to.

StellarWiFi pod connected to LAN port on router
  • Set up new WiFi name and password on the app
  • Plug additional pods in different rooms. You can also connect these pods via network cable in order to get stronger WiFi network
Additional pods plugged
Superpods connected to LAN
  • Connect your devices (including your phone) to your new WiFi wireless. You can also connect devices to pods, modem or router via network cable or switch
Connecting devices to pod
Connecting devices to pod